Hawaiʻi Loa College, now Hawaiʻi Pacific University, offered him a basketball scholarship where he excelled both on the court and in the classroom.
“Sports kept me in line, and I believe that engaging in multiple sports provided me with more options to stay healthy later in adulthood,” he said.
Dr. Kimo took full advantage of his sports and academic opportunities. After earning his master's degree, he held several positions in the Department of Education, first as a school counselor and then special education teacher. After obtaining his doctorate, he led the Hawaiʻi Department of Health Children’s Division as a statewide transition specialist. He then led the Adult Mental Health Division’s Office of Multicultural Services. Five years later, Dr. Kimo was asked to lead the Department’s Office of Health Equity under State DOH Director Dr. Laniala Fukino and the late Loretta Fuddy.

With children growing up, Dr. Kimo looked to spend more time at home, and a position with the Hawaiʻi County Office of Aging opened up, which he applied for, was interviewed by a panel, and was selected. As the Executive of the County’s Office of Aging under Mayors Billy Kenoi and Harry Kim, Dr. Kimo worked closely with county departments like Housing, Transportation, Parks and Recreation, Fire, Police, Civil Defense, Finance, IT, and Research and Development. He is very familiar with county operations because aging intersects with various departments.
After his time in government, then came the opportunity to fulfill the role of CEO of the Bay Clinic Health Center where Dr. Kimo ultimately fulfilled his vision of creating an entity that would serve and improve health care island wide - the Hawai‘i Island Community Health Center (HICHC) - created by merging the east-side Bay Clinic with West Hawai‘i Community Health Center. Dr. Kimo then served as the HICHC Vice President of Business Development before stepping down to pursue a run for the Mayor's Office.
While at Bay Clinic Health Center and HICHC, Dr. Kimo also led the Hawaiʻi Island Fentanyl Task Force which consists of over 50 professionals from multiple agencies, to reduce the number of deaths due to fentanyl overdoses and increase treatment options for individuals with addictions.
Dr. Kimo hosts a TV show on Nā Leo TV entitled “Health is Everywhere.” This is his second stint with Nā Leo TV as Dr. Kimo hosted a health series from 2010-2015 called “Rise Above Hawaiʻi with Dr. Kimo.” Dr. Kimo has interviewed over 200 key community stakeholders. “I like hearing the perspectives from others on issues concerning our island and solutions.” Dr. Kimo said.
Dr. Kimo is a true health and community advocate for marginalized individuals from the mainstream. “I’ve always believed that the individual health choices we make depend on the health choices we have,” Dr. Kimo continues to say, “not every community has the same health options such as sidewalks, bike paths, affordable fruits and vegetables, safe parks, healthy school lunches and so on.”
Dr. Kimo is not just an advocate for good health; he also serves as a role model with his active lifestyle and healthy diet.
“I try to model a healthy lifestyle by exercising as much as possible,” he said. “If I’m not playing basketball during my lunch break with friends or jogging around the block where I live, then I’m running with the kids I coach at our practices.”
Married for 28 years, Dr. Kimo has seven children aged 26 to a freshman at Hilo High School. “My kids are very active and fairly healthy,” he said. “We have a rule that each child must engage in at least one sport, and this is to encourage them to get away from electronics and to adopt the habits of a healthy lifestyle.”
This busy professional also found the time to have an athletic association called “Rise Above” for over 15 years with teams in youth basketball, baseball, and track. Dr. Alameda is also a licensed psychologist, a popular statewide speaker on health and leadership, and most recently known on the radio and television for encouraging the “double shaka.”
“People ask me ‘why the double shaka?’, and I tell them that with all the craziness in the world and the civil discord in politics, one shaka is not enough; we gotta double down on everything from getting the government to work for the people to our love for each other.”
You might be asking yourself, when does someone this busy ever gets any rest?
“Sunday is always a rest day for me and my family, when we catch up on our sleep and reconnect with family. I think it all works out for a pretty balanced lifestyle,” Dr. Kimo said.
Our community deserves leadership from a leader with a history of community service, experienced leadership with various sectors of government and non-profits, an incredible vision, and a sincere love for all. Let's support Dr. C. Kimo Alameda’s run in 2024 for the office of the Hawaiʻi County Mayor.
The late Wayne “Big Dog” Joseph contributed to parts of this story.
Cracked Skull leads to academic success for Hilo's Kimo Alameda ...